15.12.16 || Zaragoza

“Ancien” from John Bence was premiered in Etopia Center during my residency. Coro de Cámara del CSMA performed it together with Néstor Pintado as Bariton Soloist and me as Alt Soloist.

10.12.16 || Zaragoza

Ashley Paul, who was also a resident in Etopia, launched her project “Lost in Shadows” in which I took part doing voice and percussion improvisations.

18.05.16 || Zaragoza

In CSMA’s Concert Hall, I did my Bachelor Exam-Concert in Composition.

09.05.16 || Zaragoza

My pieces “Last night I was listening” and “Talking to H. Richter” were premiered in CSMA.

13.03.16 || Salamanca

“Never There. Talking to Macbeth” was performed in Salamanca.

11.03.16 || Teruel

I taught a workshop with Children in Teruel Conservatory of Music about Composing scores for Prepared Piano.