– if you would like to request a score or a recording, please send an email to hola@hcanovaspares.com :)
0 Performers
“Epénthesis” - fixed Media Film / Installation - 22’ [2017]
“Talking to G. Richter” - fixed Media piece - 5’ [2016]
“Music for Bergande” - fixed Media piece - 5’ [2015]
1 Performer
“unhörbar. unspielbar. nichts” - for Drumset and live electronics - 10’ - commissioned by Festival Ensems [2020-2022]
“it’s present when it’s missing” - for Saxophone Soprano - 12’ - commissioned by Anna-Marie Schäfer [2021-2022]
“clamabant once again” - for accordeon - 13’. - commissioned by Kreismuseums Zons [2021]
“corpo senza voce. voce senza corpo” - for Countertenor, Video and Electronics - 7’ - Commissioned by Kai Wessel and Freunde und Fördeverein der HfMT Köln [2019]
“it’s almost practicing” - for Piano and Objects - 10’ [2018] - Premiered by Fidan Aghayeva-Edler.
“it’s almost a Lullaby” - for Clarinet and Objects - 10’ (unpremiered) [2018]
“Monólogo” - for spoken voice - 7’ [2015]
“Never there” - for Oboe d’Amore - 7’ - Commissioned by E_7.2 [2015]
“Untitled Shapes” - for Sop. Sax. and fixed Media - 7’ - Commissioned by Joan Jordi Oliver [2015]
2 Performers
“jamás te conformes con el vacío” - for Violin and Piano - 8’ - Commissioned by Seed Music [2024]
“das kleine Echo” - for Performer and Violoncello - 45’ - Musiktheater for everybody from 5 Years Old on Commissioned by Beethoven Orchester Bonn [2023]
“s’amaga alguna cosa entre els mecanismes” [57:00] - for Violin and Piano - 4’ - Comissioned by Fundació Manuel Blancafort [2023]
“amarga once again” - for voice and violin - 7 ‘ (unpremiered) [2021]
3 Performers
“Largo once again” - Violin, Cello and Harpsichord - 3’ - Commissioned by Anna Urpina [2024]
“una mica de cosa de no res” - For Bb Clarinet, Violoncello and Piano - 11’ - Commissioned by INAEM and dedicated to Trio Catch [2024]
“PENELOPE. Eine Studie über das Warten” - for Soprano, Fl. and Vc. – 15’ - Musiktheater commissioned by Trio Vis a Vis [2022]
“where is my voice?” - for Three Recorder Players - 12’ - Commissioned by Bux Ensemble [2022]
“Songs of Karoline” - for Soprano, Violin and Harp - 7’ - Commissioned by Gilu Trio [2022]
“algo sobre el gris” - for Sax., Perc., Vc. - 7’ - Commissioned by AchtBrücken [2019]
“Primera Palabra” - for Percussion Trio (Snare Drum, Tam-Tam) - 7’ [2017]
“groc i boira finestra” - for A. Fl., Pno., and Vla. - 7’ [2014]
4 Performers
“quant je voi revenir once again” - for Oboe and String Trio - 10’ - commissioned by the Festival “La Pedra Parla” [2023]
“ich träumte, dass ich in demselben Garten eingeschlafen war und den Atem von jemandem auf meiner Wange spürte” - for Saxophone Quartet - 12’- commissioned by Eternum Saxophone Quartet [2021-2022]
“algo sobre un cuerpo” - for String quartet - 7’ [2017]
“four readers” - for 4 performers, chairs and books - [2018 - work in progress]
+4 Performers
“time is out of joint” - for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Accordion, Violoncello - 4’ - Commissioned by Ensemble S201 [2024]
“al final tot són mecanismes” - for 6 Percussion Players - 25’ - Commissioned by FRAMES Percussion [2023]
“cada piedra es una isla” - for Flute, Clarinet, Piano, Violin, Violoncello - 7’ - Commissioned INAEM [2022]
“wenn ich mich richtig erinnere” - for Actress, Fl., Cl., Perc., Pno., Vln., Vc. with electronics - 70’ - Musiktheater commissioned by SPARK Festival [2019-2022]
“I couldn’t speak” - for Solo Violin, Fl., T. Sax., Tp., Perc., Gui., Vla. - 9’ [2021]
“amarga once again” - version for Baritone and String Quartet - 7’ [2021]
“algo sobre la espera” - for Ob., Tp.,, Pno., Vln., and live electronics - 7’ [2021]
“wenn ich aufhören könnte, von Dir zu träumen” - for Fl., Sax., Perc., Vln., Vla., Vc., and fixed Media - 42’ [2018-2019]
“batega tot i tot està aturat” - for Fl., B., Cl., Pno., Vln., Vc. - 7’ [2014]
+8 Performers
“Don Juan No Existe - Sobre lo que olvidamos y lo que permanece” - Opera for Soprano, Tenor, Baritone, Chamber Ensemble (String Quartet, Saxophone(s), Percussion) and Live Electronics - 80’ - Commissioned by Carmen Mateu Young Artist European Award as a Coproduction of Festival de Peralada, Gran Teatre del Liceu, Teatro Real and Teatro de la Maestranza [2021-2024]
“devising it all for company” - for Ensemble (2 Fl., Cl., Pno., Perc., Vln., Vla., Vc., Cb.) - 26’ - Commissioned by Acht Brücken and Institut Ramon Llull [2022-23]
“i em trobo a mi mateixa caminant entre la boira” - for Wind Ensemble (2 Fl., 2 Ob., 2 Cl., 2 Bsn., Hn., Tp., Trmb., Tba.) - 10’ - Commissioned by Achtbrücken [2017-2018]
“Last night I was listening” - for Large Ensemble (Fl., Cl., B. Cl., Bsn., Tmb., Tba., Acc., 2 Pno., 2 Vla., 2 Vc.) - 7’ [2016]
“Noche oscura” - for Large Ensemble (Fl., Ob., Cl., Fg., Hn., Pno., Vln., Vla., Vc., Cb.) and Spoken Voice - Commissioned by Ocaz Enigma [2015]
+++ Performers
“Sleeping Beauty” - Musiktheater Miniature for 3 Singers (2 S., M-S.) and Ensemble (Fl., Cl., Bsn., Tp., Perc., Vln., Vla., Vc., Db.) - 20’ - Libretto: Linda Kokkores - Commissioned by Deutsche Bank Stiftung [2022-2024]
“fem fressa” - for Wind Wand with young performers - 15’ - Commissioned by Escola de Música de Vic [2024]
“IMPERIUM DER ILLUSIONEN” - Opera for Soprano, Mezzo, Baritone, 2 Performers and large Ensemble (Fl., Ob., Cl., Hn., Tr., Perc., Pno./Kb., E-Guit., 2 Vln., Vla., Vc., Db.) - 100’ - Libretto: Carina Sophie Eberle. Commissioned by Theater Münster [2021-2023]
“Gleich laut, gleich leise” - For Mixed Choir and 4-hands Piano - 15’ - Text: Heili Schwarz-Schütte. Commissioned by Philharmonischer Chor der Stadt Bonn. [2024]
“tenebrae once again” - for Large Ensemble (Fl., Ob., Cl., Fg., 2 Rec., Gui., 2 Pno., Perc., Sop., 5 Sax.) - 15’ - Commissioned by DLF (recorded) [2020]
“das Mädchen” - Chamber Opera (Fl., B. Cl., Hn., Perc., Vln., Vc., Cb., SSA Chor, Mezzo-Solo, Tape) - 20’- Commissioned by Theater Bielefeld (recorded) [2020]
“intorno a due vermiglie” - for Choir and Soprano Solo - 5’ - Commissioned by VANG! [2019]
“An die Hoffnung” - for SSA Choir - 5’ - Commissioned by Chorakademie Dortmund (unpremiered - published) [2019]
“They are not talking about us” - for Large Ensemble (3 Fl., 3 Ob., 3 Cl., Sax., 3 Fg., Hn., Tp., Tbn., Tba., 3 Perc., 2 Vln., 2 Vla., 2 Vc., Cb.), SSATBB Choir and Soprano Solo - 10’ [2015]
“Aún dormimos” - for Mixed Choir - 10’ [2015]