21.12.18 || Köln

Benjamin Grau, Lucia Kilger and me performed “A Silent Post” by Lucia Kilger in HfMT Köln.

4.12.18 || Köln

Núria Vinyals (Mezzo-Soprano) and me premiered “Monólogo” (2015) for spoken voice in HfMT Köln.

25.10.18 || Köln

“Four readers II” was performed in Niehler Freiheit Köln as part of Freie Performance Kultur Festival.

30.09.18 || Köln

I performed live-electronics to “Just Living Matter” Performance Project of the dancers Amanda Romero and Greta Salgado in Tanzfaktur Köln.

09.09.18 || Liedberg

Premiere of “zwei Gießkannen und die weißen Häusern” in Avantgarten Liedberg.

03.07.18 || Southampton

I attended to “Get Together” Programm at Southampton University (UK).

26.06.18 || Köln

Premiere of “four readers I” in HfMT Köln.

01.05.18 || Köln

My piece “i em trobo a mi mateixa caminant entre la boira” war premiered in Kölner Philharmonie during Acht Brücken Festival.

31.03.18 || El Escorial

Performance of the “Primera Palabra” by Neopercusión in Madrid (el Escorial).

09.03.18 || Segovia

“Primera Palabra” was performed by Ensemble TMC in Segovia.