04.06.21 || Online Premiere of “All days for future” through Theater Bielefeld.

07.06.21 || Online Streaming of “All days for future” through Theater Bielefeld.

15.06.21 || Online Streaming of “All days for future” through Theater Bielefeld.

25.06.21 || Köln Recording of “algo sobre la espera” with Ensemble Musikfabrik in the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln.

27.06.21 || Online Streaming of “All days for future” through Theater Bielefeld.

16.07.21 || Köln Premiere of a “I couldn’t speak” for violin solo and Chamber Ensemble in the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln.

25.10.21 || Köln Recording of “tenebrae once again” as part of Forum Neue Musik from Deutschlandfunk in Cologne.

28.10.21 || Barcelona Short lecture as part of IA Òpera AI organized by Òpera de Butxaca i Nova Creació and SGAE Catalunya.

31.10.21 || Zons Premiere of a new piece for accordion solo thanks to Kreismuseums Zons.

09.11.21 || Barcelona Award Ceremony from Carmen Mateu Young Artist European Award in MACBA (Barcelona) - World Premiere of “amarga once again” (for Baritone and String Quartet).

12.11.21 || Online Youtube-release of “algo sobre la espera” by Ensemble Musikfabrik

22.11.21 - 21:05 || Online Streaming of “tenebrae once again” in DLF.